• 伊万·汉德勒

    • 性别:
    • 职业:演员,作家,编剧,记者
    • 星座:摩羯座
    • 血型:不详
    • 身高:1.73米
    • 体重:不详
    • 地区:美国
    • 生日:1961-01-10
    • 出生地:[db:出生地]
    • 毕业院校:朱利亚德学院
    • 代表作:加州靡情
      Evan Handler is an actor, author, screenwriter, and journalist best known as one of the stars of HBO’s SEX AND THE CITY, as well as Showtime’s current hit CALIFORNICATION. Evan is the author of two books. TIME ON FIRE: MY COMEDY OF TERRORS is his critically acclaimed debut memoir detailing his unlikely recovery from acute leukemia (and his escape from the clutches of those supposedly devoted to its treatment). His second book, IT’S ONLY TEMPORARY: THE GOOD NEWS AND THE BAD NEWS OF BEING ALIVE, describes the years since the illness, and his attempts to find meaning within his unlikely existence. Mostly, though, he finds absurd relationships, twenty-seven break ups (involving only ten women), a severe depression, eventual love and happiness, and fascination on the parts of Italians with American anal hygiene. The book was published by Riverhead in May of 2008. FM:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/evan-handler  Evan first came to prominence as an actor by playing leading roles in seven Broadway productions before his thirtieth birthday, including “Six Degrees of Separation”; “I Hate Hamlet”; “Brighton Beach Memoirs”; “Broadway Bound”; and “Master Harold...and the boys” – all in spite of losing the years from 24 to 28 to his battle with leukemia. Evan has appeared in leading roles in the feature films RANSOM, TAPS, SWEET LORRAINE, and NATURAL BORN KILLERS, played Stooge Larry Fine in the television movie THE THREE STOOGES, and has made memorable guest appearances on LOST, SHARK, THE WEST WING, SIX FEET UNDER, and FRIENDS 早年经历 高中毕业一年后,汉德勒搬到纽约,开始了在切尔西剧院担当实习生的工作。那段时间他出演了一些非百老汇的剧目:“传记:一场游戏”和“斯特莱德:马的故事”。之后,作为DramaDivision第12期小组的成员,汉德勒进入朱利亚德学院开始学习,同小组的成员还有凯文·史派西,文·瑞姆斯和伊丽莎白·麦戈文。1981年,汉德勒出演电影《熄灯号》中的角色汉德勒出生在一个犹太家庭,父亲是MurryRaymondHandler,广告公司老板兼设计师;母亲是EnidIrene,心理医生。他小时候一直在距离纽约不远的科特兰特生活,就读于亨德里克哈德森中学。伊万的父母育有三个子女,哥哥洛厄尔·汉德勒是一位作家兼摄影师,已经出版《》,该书被改编为电视剧作品,并被提名艾美奖。2003年10月12日与意大利裔化学家ElisaAtti结为夫妻,四年后,两人的女儿索菲亚出生。 社会活动 伊万爱好写作,第一部作品《》讲述的是他在25岁患上急性髓系白血病的故事;2008年5月出版的第二部作品《》,主要内容则是生病后对生活以及身边人事的感知。后来,伊万开始为杂志社撰写文章,比如《ELLE》《O,theOprahMagazine》以及《Mirabella》,不仅如此,《赫芬顿邮报》也请他定期为他们撰写文章。


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